Shenzhen Rongqiang Technology Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Super Low Foam Surfactants
Product Type: Catalysts & Chemical Agents -> Surface active agent
Product spec: 30kg
Post Time: 2016-08-10
Description: Low foam surfactants Applicated to spraying degreaser, soaking and rinsing degreasing application with lower foam. RQ-20 Soaking Normal temperature RQ-21 Spraying Normal temperature RQ-30 Soaking RQ-31 Spraying RQ-40 Soaking RQ-41 Spraying With the property of low foam, strong detergency and degreasing force, strong alkaline resistant, it is available for formulating high quality liquid or powdery degreaser, it is also ideal for both soaking and spraying application.
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